Mediterranean Seafood Import, Export: Windsor’s Supply of Fresh Fish
If you have a taste for seafood, you have to visit Mediterranean Seafood Import, Export. With at least 200 varieties of fresh and saltwater fish, we’re sure to have something to satisfy your taste. From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and Pacific, Mediterranean Seafood carries fresh and frozen products from across the globe. We also offer fresh and frozen seafood from Canadian waters as well. Whether you need seafood for your menu or your own kitchen, ours is shipped in 3 times a week! That way you’re guaranteed to get the freshest seafood available.
Quality Comes First
When you’re looking for the highest quality seafood in Windsor and the surrounding areas, get it from a family-owned market that prides itself on offering the area’s freshest seafood. The biggest little fish house in Southwestern Ontario offers:
- Canadian Ocean
- Canadian Fresh Water
- European
- U.S. & Caribbean
- New Zealand & Australian
We Offer Live Fish
- Live Eel
- Live Tilapia
- Live Buffalo
- Live Striped Bass
- Live Carp
- Live Lobsters
- Live Snails
- Live Crabs
And Other Seafood!
We also offer:
- Imported Food Products
- Groceries
- Grape Juice for Winemaking from the Napa Valley